SSE Home and School By-Laws

SSE Home and School By-Laws

Salt Springs Home & School Association Bylaws

November 2022


The name of the association is Salt Springs Elementary Home and School Association. It is an association organized by the parents and community of the Salt Springs Elementary School.


  • To support and enhance the education at SSE
  • Coordinate fundraising per budget requirements.
  • Coordinate school social events.
  • Assist with special projects for school improvement as needed.
  • Assist with recognition and appreciation events for students and staff.
  • Coordinate volunteers where required for SSE activities.


The following are the basic policies of the Salt Springs Home & School


  • The association shall cooperate with the school to support the improvement of education in ways that will not interfere with the administration of the school and shall not seek to control their policies.
  • All members will work under guidelines of confidentiality when working with students.


  • All parents, guardians, and staff are considered members of Salt Springs Home & School
  • This Home and School Association shall conduct an annual enrollment of members, but may admit persons to membership at any time.


  • Each officer must be a member of SSE Home & School Association.
  • The officers of this organization shall consist of a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. Upon approval of the association, the duties of an office may be shared by two elected officers.
  • A nominating committee shall nominate an eligible person for each office to be filled. Those consenting to serve shall be nominated in May, and commissioned at the September meeting. Officers will assume their official duties the following school year.


    Section 1. The president or co-presidents shall:

  • Preside at all meetings of the association
  • Perform such other duties as may be prescribed in these bylaws or assigned by the association
  • Coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the association
  • Shall submit written or oral report to the board when requested
  • Be signing officer on the Home and School Account

Section2. The vice president shall:

  • Assist the president when needed
  • Perform the duties of the president in their absence
  • Shall submit written or oral report to the board when requested
  • Be signing officer on the Home and School Account

Section 3. The secretary shall:

  • Record the minutes of all the meetings of the association
  • Have a current copy of the bylaws
  • Maintain a membership list
  • Perform other delegated duties
  • Maintain all minutes of the association
  • Maintain Historical records of the association

    Section 4. The treasurer shall:

  • Keep a full record and accurate account of receipts and expenditures
  • Coordinate disbursements as authorized by the executive board
  • Present a financial statement at every meeting of the association and at other times when requested by the executive board
  • Be responsible for maintenance of all financial books of accounts and records
  • Be signing officer on the Home and School Account

    Section 5. Members at Large

  • Any parents that actively participate in meetings after attending three consecutive meetings.
  • Status will be retained as long until a time period where a member has missed three consecutive meetings.
  • Members at large will be voting members as long as they keep their member at large status.

Bank Account:

  • The Home and School will have four signing officers for cheques. But cheques will require two signatures.
  • Deposits will be made ASAP(5-10 business days)


  • The term of office for all officers and members of the Executive Committee shall be for one year. After one year members may change offices on the executive committee. Vice President becomes President, etc.
  • Officers and members of the Executive Committee are eligible for re-election to their position for a second successive year but shall not be eligible for re-election to the same position for more than 2 consecutive years. If no other nominations come forward then they may assume their office past the 2 consecutive years on a year to year basis.
  • The term of office shall be from September 1 to August 31.
  • The Executive may appoint a Nomination Committee by May 31 of each year.
  • The Nomination Committee shall consist of the Current Past President along with two members of the association.
  • Nominations shall also be called for and may be made from the floor of the General Meeting.
  • Election of officers shall be by secret ballot decided by a simple majority (50 % plus 1) of votes.


The Executive Committee of the Association shall be responsible for:

  • The management of the Association and its affairs.
  • The establishment of ad hoc committees as need arises.
  • To carry on the business of the SSE Home & School Association as required, between regular meetings.
  • To approve purchase requests made by the school.
  • Be responsible for the maintenance of all committee books and records
  • All executive members are required to have a CCRCE volunteer package completed.


Ad-hoc Committees may be established and appointed by the Executive of the Association as necessary to carry on the work of the association and shall:

  • Be responsible for the planning and implementation of assigned event; and
  • Be responsible for administration of the budget assigned to that event.
  • All Ad-hoc Committees may be chaired/co-chaired by an active member who does not already hold an executive position.
  • The chairperson of each Ad-Hoc Committee shall be responsible for leading, coordinating and including all interested active and association members in the planning and delivery of tasks related to the event.
  • Should a chairperson be absent, an Executive Committee member may be asked to provide support and guidance to the Ad-hoc Committee.


  • At least 3 Executive Membership Meetings will be held during the year.
  • Full Home & School Member meetings will run on a monthly basis. Duration will be maximum of 60 minutes.
  • AD Hoc and/or special committees will meet as deemed necessary.
  • Members who miss 3 consecutive meetings in a row will be deemed inactive unless there is an appropriate reason for the absence.


  • All members must conduct themselves under the rules, policies and procedures of CCRCE.
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