Back to School Info

Dear Families,

We have added and revised our list of returning to school requests and will continue to provide updates( see below). This year is unique as the requests we put on students, families and staff are more than we are used to doing. We appreciate all the help you are giving all stakeholders as we get ready for the first day at school. In the midst of all this we do not want students to lose the positive experience of schooling. We want students to still feel excited about coming to school and connecting with their social peers! We are truly excited to see new and returning students from Pre-Primary through to grade 5. Have a great long weekend! We'll see everyone on the 8th.


  • Please follow the Health NS Guidelines/Rules for Covid. Self-isolate if student or family member has traveled outside the Maritime Bubble as stated by guidelines. Use the Covid Self Screen Checklist before sending students off to school each day
  • Please teach children to wear a mask, wash their hands in hot water for 20 seconds and help them learn to social distance. We will reinforce and teach this as well. While mask wearing is outlined for Grades 4 and up we will be modeling and encouraging mask wearing in Primary to Grade 3 as well.
  • Non bused students-Please drop off students at 8:20. All traffic will use the entrance to the school parking lot and remain in their vehicles in single file until it is their turn to pull up to the front doors of the school. A supervisor will be outside directing social distancing and foot traffic. Students can enter the building when it is their turn. Staff will be available to meet students at the entrance to assist their entry into the building and down the hallway to their classroom area.
  • Pickup will occur after the buses are dismissed at 2:20 each day. Beginning at 2:25 cars may line up single file and pick up children at the front door. Please call 925-6000 once you are parked and we will release students as cars pull up.
  • Bus passes can be requested through the office, but have certain conditions. They can be granted for regular child care. They are not for travel to a friend's house, a birthday party, or other social reasons. Please direct calls to the office regarding bus passes.
  • SSE notes home will be electronic through email, our Website, Facebook, or through the Alert System to your phone. Conversations between staff and families will be accomplished through phone calls, online meetings, and some email if possible to do so.
  • Please send water bottle full and labeled. Students who do not have a SSE Water Bottle will be provided with a new one. Please also provide a "onetime use" spare bottle of water or extra water if student requires more.
  • Our playground will be sectioned off for each class. Students will change designated areas on a weekly basis.
  • We have a plan to dedicate sections of washrooms to each class.
  • We have plans to stagger recess times and lunches to eliminate the higher traffic times in the school.
  • Students will have access to their own computer. No sharing is required.
  • Handwashing will be part of our daily routine plus hand sanitizer will be readily available.
  • Students will eat in their classrooms staying in their bubble.
  • Lunches and recess snacks will be available for purchase. Please watch for a menu to be placed on our FB page. A menu order form of 3 choices of snack/lunch will be sent home next week. We ask that you fill out order forms and place them along with exact change in a zip-lock bag. You can send in orders for multiple days. If you care to order on September 8th please write down the item on a piece of paper and put it in the bag with the correct change.
  • Please provide lunches that children can open easily. Some packaged items are difficult for even adults to open at times.
  • We will not have microwaves for cooking or reheating of food.
  • We are asking students to take home leftover wrappers, unused lunch items and any garbage. You can send a separate bag to package these up in their lunch bags.
  • Please teach children how to tie shoes or provide shoes that they can manage (Velcro or loafers). Also, please prepare them to zip zippers, button buttons, and manage their clothing as best they can. We will do our best as usual to support then.
  • Please no toys to be taken from home to school.
  • Please provide students with outside clothing as we will be going outside as much as we can for movement.
  • Please provide an extra change of clothes as sometimes play gets messy.
  • Please be prepared to pick up sick children-have a plan in place. Ensure you have someone available to pick up and we have accurate contact information.
  • Please call school for any business. Do not show up unannounced.
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